Stars Rehabilitation for People of Determination
+971 2 443 0553
AutismLearning Disability
NoneWheelchair Others:
Self-managementBasic communicationDressingtoiletingGroomingBathing
emotionalattentionsocial interactionplayingbehaviourfeedingmemory
Basic mobilityShoppingMoney managementSocial awareness
If yes, please specify: e.g. Autism, Attention deficit etc.
If yes, please give names and dosages:
If yes, please specify:
If yes please state:
VaginalScheduled C-SectionEmergency C-SectionForcepsVentouses
Right/leftInconsistentNot determined
if yes please describe
Age at which your child:
Thank you for completing this form. Please submit this form to Stars for Rehabilitation Center for People of Determination who will then contact you for an appointment at the earliest available opportunity.
The information contained in this form is confidential and will not be distributed without your consent. Please be sure to provide any relevant reports and information prior to your appointment.
We look forward to working with you and your child.
Thank you.